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Friends of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum hosts several events throughout the year to raise money and awareness for the two museums. ​

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Paddle Battle

Join us on September 6, 2025, from 9:30-5:00, for the 4th Annual Portsmouth Paddle Battle on the Elizabeth River and the 1st Annual Junior Paddle Battle. 

Friends Speakers Series

Join us for our quarterly Speakers Series. All events are held on a Saturday, from 2:00-3:00 PM, in the Police Auditorium at the Portsmouth Visitor's Center, corner of Middle and High Streets, Portsmouth, Virginia

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Virtual Tour

Join us for a virtual tour of the Museum and Lightship Portsmouth


Oral History of Shipard Life and Families


Oral History – The Friends are developing an oral history and video exhibit for hopeful inclusion as an exhibit in the Shipyard Museum and at other City venues. In conjunction with the TV and Media Production CTE students from I.C. Norcom High School, and with the City's Museums Department, the Friends plan to identify several families, some multi-generational, with experience working at the Shipyard and living in Portsmouth. The Friends believe that while there are many real stories about the Shipyard, what it is and what it has been, no complete story may be told without telling the stories of the thousands of Portsmouth residents who have worked there and lived here. And what better way to tell this story than  with the assistance of our IC Norcom TV Production  students. 2022 saw the students interview 10 persons and families, with a Portsmouth history spanning over 7 decades, and we just started the 2025 series of interviews featuring the former Commanding Officers of the Shipyard. We are exploring just how best to tell this story, including as an Exhibit in the Museum and by posting the interviews on our website [Summer 2025]. Stay tuned and please support our Portsmouth Paddle Battle fundraiser which helps fund the Oral History Project -- help us help our students

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